Texas Public Education: Semantics, Ignorance of History, and Prejudice

Texas has a history and a duty to provide free public education for immigrant children, kindergarten through twelfth grade. As stated in the Texas Constitution, free public schools are essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of all people. The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1, assures equal protection of the laws to all persons.

Prayer Guide: Governments & Governing Officials

Foreword Today as never before in the history of the United States of America, we are at war, a spiritual war. What are the symptoms? Ephesians 6:10-12 describes our present circumstances: “Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may …

Looking ahead: What is a black swan event?

The Depression will be labeled a Black Swan event even though it’s developing right in front of our eyes. When it happens, it will be seen in retrospect as having been inevitable.

Joe Biden’s Illegal Immigrant Invitees Are Funded by YOU

What is the objective of flooding the USA with immigrants? As the sign says, “TODAY WE MARCH. TOMORROW WE VOTE.” Some democrat-controlled areas of the country attempt to enroll illegal aliens as voters. If unvetted aliens vote, America will cease to be the land of the free. The UN is funding the huge migrations of …

Everything the Communists Say To You Is a Lie, Including When They Say It’s a Fact.

Allow your anger to move you to prayer. Pray as an intercessor for President Trump. Our President, and by extension Republican voters, are under attack by an unseen enemy. The actors are Democrats and some Republicans but they are marching to the orders of Satan, led by unholy spirits.

Republican Form of Government

The Roman republic endured 450 years between the time the Romans expelled the Etruscan kings and a new monarchy arose with Julius Cesar in 44 BC.

Our American republic has endured over 230 years. But, the question of the hour is, will the rise of oligarchies, corrupted social media, unbridled illegal immigration, and official corruption in the highest seats of government in the land be our downfall?

Joe Biden Insists Lies and Violence Imperil Democracy—I Agree!

Newsmax Magazine Headline, 2 Nov 2022 | Biden, Facing Potential Midterm Red Wave, Insists Lies and Violence Imperil Democracy Yes, many un-American things threaten our country, our republic, and our freedoms. I list these threats for your reference: Weaponizing the Department of Justice to persecute conservatives, Republicans, and parents who speak against unacceptable school board …


What happened to the Democratic Party? Yes, it was the party of slavery in America, but the Civil War ended with the Republicans reuniting the country.
Post-Civil War Democrats were generally Christian and patriotic. Today’s Democrats eschew the Rule of Law and most of the tenets of the U.S. Constitution. What has changed? It is said, “A fish rots from the head.”

The Declining Chinese Population: What Americans Need To Know

How will the Biden-Democrat flood of illegal aliens affect the U.S. population? How does homosexuality affect our birthrate? How has Roe v. Wade negatively affected the U.S. birthrate? You need to know.

Biden/Amlo cooperation: What are the progressives up to?

AMLO delights in pushing back on those pesky conservatives that stand in Biden’s way. You don’t believe me? I quote AMLO:

“I know that your adversaries, the conservatives, are going to be screaming all over the place, even to Heaven. They’re going to be yelling at Heaven. But without a daring, bold program of development and wellbeing, it will not be possible to solve problems. It will not be possible to get the people’s support. In the face of this crisis, the way out is not through conservatism. The way out is through transformation. We have to be bold in our actions. Transform, not maintain the status quo.”