How can you identify the loser in a political race? The loser resorts to slanders against his opponent.

It has been said, “The Devil always overplays his hand.” Do we not see this in almost all election years? Is slander a new phenomenon? No, slander has been a tool of political candidates of low character throughout the history of the United States of America. Back in the 1800’s, the newspaper publishers “printed highly …

The Dennis London I Know

The Associated Republicans of Texas (ACT) mailer promoting incumbent HD33 representative Justin Holland mistakenly describes Dennis London as a political newcomer, despite London’s active involvement in the Republican Party and background as a US Marine Corps veteran. London, who moved from California to Texas due to political and economic reasons, is in contrast to Holland, who allegedly disregards the Texas State Republican Party Platform.

Why School Choice is a Republican Priority

Benjamin Franklin emphasized the importance of education and access to information for the development of virtue and civil liberty. Texas public school statistics and recent controversies illustrate the ongoing debate over educational content, including LGBTQ programs and banned books. The involvement of Republican voters in the education system’s decision-making process is highlighted as a fundamental principle.

What does Superman have to do with Christmas?

What does Superman have to do with Christmas? Absolutely nothing. Signs and wonders redirect your attention from your problems, ‘the elephant in the room,’ to the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

Prayer Guide: Governments & Governing Officials

Foreword Today as never before in the history of the United States of America, we are at war, a spiritual war. What are the symptoms? Ephesians 6:10-12 describes our present circumstances: “Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may …

Use your SSN for ID? Just say, “No!”

In recent days, my church required a background check using my Social Security Number to qualify to teach the Bible to adults. I offered to give the “last four,” but I learned the “last four” are what identity thieves look for. Imagine having to disclose your tax ID to teach the Bible.

Jeremiahs’s Story

“I’m Jeremiah, and I was seven years old when I got connected to CareCenter. I grew up in Pleasant Grove, the community that CareCenter serves. I participated in Camp Care, Open Arms After School Program, Men of Honor, and Hilltop Church throughout my childhood. In 2016, when I was eleven, I was severely burned in …

My Personal Bible Study 8/31/2023 — What’s Your Story?

The CDC reports on the devastating consequences of loneliness. A top psychiatrist’s prescription for cases of loneliness is, “Go back to church.“ 1 Peter 3:15 NIV, “…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have…” We all have many stories to tell. YOU have …

Mental Illness or a Spiritual Problem?

People who die by suicide don’t want to end their lives, they want to end their pain.

As long as there is life, there is hope.

Jason of Thessalonica

Christian Television Series: Paul The Last Apostle Donate to The Kappa Impact – Christian Film Finishing Fund Home Page: is the official 2023 TV Series Pilot website titled “Paul: The Last Apostle.” Our team is comprised of a diverse group of Spirit filled, Life Giving believers looking to find their full calling through Christ …