Building Blocks for a Healthy Indoors – Part 1

The experts call for ‘social distancing’ of between three and six feet between persons.

Can we talk?

Do you know why droplets are called droplets? The word formed by the first four letters is your clue: they are heavier than air. Gravity causes them to drop. Down. Not up.

The dire warnings cause us to think that beyond those droplets there is little to no risk of inhaling the communist Chinese virus (CCV).

Odor producing aerosols are generally, almost always, invisible to the naked eye. Examples of invisible aerosols are perfumes, the odor of dead animals, fragrant flowers, and cigarette smoke.

Before you correct me through a comment, allow me to go a little farther.

Is cigarette smoke visible? Yes, close to the smoker. But, it’s also invisible, at least the aerosols that carry the odor of a smoker invisibly through the air. The odor you smell at a distance is from the invisible aerosols exhaled by the smoker.

Although I am an ex-smoker who quit a bad habit back in 1974, I often smell the odor of exhaled smoke between vehicles on the road and on city streets, as much as a block distant from the smoker.

What’s the point?

The coronavirus does not require large, visible droplets from an infected person to sicken you. You could inhale a number of coronaviruses from beyond talking distance.

Why are not more Americans falling ill from the CCV? The inhalation of a virus or two does not mean you can become instantly a new statistic.

Learn from Harvard University how a God-given natural defense works to protect you from airborne pathogens like the CCV.

“Mucus is a protective substance that’s excreted from multiple areas of the body, such as the mouth, sinuses, throat, lungs, stomach, and intestines. Mucus itself consists of multiple constituents, but its major component is a substance called mucin. The mucins in mucus can work as a selective barrier, lubricant, or viscous material depending on their structure. When mucin structure and production is normal, mucus protects surfaces all over our body, which helps us live alongside many different microbes. However, disease can ensue when mucin structure and production are abnormal.”

Harvard University – Science in the News 12/17/2018 | All About That Mucus: How it keeps us healthy

The next time you cough up phlegm or experience a runny nose, thank God for His creation of the mucin in your body.

How can we help you?

John White
Rockwall, Texas

Published by John White

A lifetime (over 50 years) of experiences with automation and control systems ranging from aerospace navigation, radar, and ordinance delivery systems to the world's first robotic drilling machine for the oil patch, to process-control systems, energy management systems and general problem-solving. At present, my focus is on self-funding HVAC retrofit projects and indoor air quality with a view to preventing infections from airborne pathogens.

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