Texas Pirate Money

In 2015, Governor Abbott signed a bill to establish a gold bullion depository in Texas, repatriating $1 billion of gold from New York. In 2023, bills to create a gold-backed digital currency failed to pass. The Texas gold-backed digital currency will work similarly to GLINT and other states are also moving toward a gold-backed digital currency. Governor Abbott emphasizes the importance of protecting Texas residents and urges people to educate themselves on the issue and lobby their representatives to support the Texas Gold-Backed Digital Currency bills.

More Federal Control? Dear Congressman Greg Casar (D-TX-35), Fergedaboudit!

The content discusses the proposed federalization of ERCOT and its connection to other states’ power grids in Texas, eliciting concerns about federal influence and the reliability of renewable energy sources. The author, impacted by the February 2021 freeze, advocates for improved local power sources over interstate dependency. The debate intertwines political, economic, and practical considerations.

Bible Study: Oil is NOT a Fossil Fuel—Do I have your attention?

In the 1960s, the author gained offshore drilling experience in Texas, questioning the origins of oil. He contrasts evolutionist and creationist worldviews, and discuss contemporary science, petroleum abundance, and climate change. Quoting scripture, he criticizes leftist politics and the carbon debate, urging reliance on the Bible for life’s answers.

What does Superman have to do with Christmas?

What does Superman have to do with Christmas? Absolutely nothing. Signs and wonders redirect your attention from your problems, ‘the elephant in the room,’ to the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

Young Americans: A Look Into Your Future By Way Of My History

The writer reflects on the history and misuse of Social Security Numbers (SSNs), citing their original purpose to track lifetime earnings for retirement benefits. He recalls when Holiday Inn used SSNs as loyalty numbers, expressing concern over potential privacy violations. He touches on labor laws, personal work history, and comments on unnecessary SSN requests from various organizations. He also discusses social attitudes towards SSNs referencing biblical context and hints at potential risks with digital currencies.

Au Revoir Green New Deal

Suddenly, A Wave of Common Sense “We are not going to have a transition unless we can find technologies to bring down the competitive cost of renewables. We cannot do that.” — Blackrock CEO Larry Fink There will be no energy transition unless we can find new technologies that bring down the cost of renewables, …

Prayer Guide: Governments & Governing Officials

Foreword Today as never before in the history of the United States of America, we are at war, a spiritual war. What are the symptoms? Ephesians 6:10-12 describes our present circumstances: “Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may …

How much Crypto can you carry in your pocket?

Those Texas senators who feared a ‘digital currency’ are unfamiliar with the difference between a crypto digital currency and a gold-backed digital currency.

Former Texas legislator Tom Glass, now a candidate again for House District 17 (HD 17), understands the Texas gold-backed digital currency and labors to get it passed in a (miracle) Special Session this year.

Use your SSN for ID? Just say, “No!”

In recent days, my church required a background check using my Social Security Number to qualify to teach the Bible to adults. I offered to give the “last four,” but I learned the “last four” are what identity thieves look for. Imagine having to disclose your tax ID to teach the Bible.

Real Money: In the Beginning, Gold…

Repatriation of Gold “From August 22nd through 24th, an extended coalition of over 40 nations which has become known as BRICS+ will meet in Johannesburg, South Africa. Among the likely topics of discussion is the feasibility of setting up a jointly-owned international financial institution. It would be funded by gold deposits, issue a currency, and …