What is a Neocon? May I introduce you?

The Texas State Republican Party Platform highlights a disconnect between neocons and the majority of Texas Republicans. The Associated Republicans of Texas (ART) endorses neocons such as Dade Phelan, Justin Holland, and Jill Dutton, who are running for office in Texas. Early voting begins on February 20, 2024.

Why I will NOT vote for Mike Pence

Pence was never on our side, the side of the people who elected Donald Trump in 2016. Did he have the authority to delay certification and require validation of elections in suspect states? Yes, unquestionably. The 12th Amendment stipulates, “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote.” The chief authority over the certification of Presidential elections is the “President of the Senate,” a prescribed duty of the Vice President, as per Article I, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution: “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate…”

Letter to Congressman Pat Fallon: Napoleon the Pig’s unconstitutional executive order

The President’s behaviors reflect those of Napoleon, the head pig character in Animal Farm. Napoleon’s latest executive order is not in pursuance of the Constitution.

What is the fastest-growing crime in America?

Headline: Epoch Times, 23 Feb 2023 | The Fastest-Growing Crime in AmericaExcerpt: “The United States is awash in crime. Rather staggeringly, as I have shown elsewhere, 11 of the world’s 50 most dangerous cities are now in the United States. Of all the various crimes plaguing the country, identity theft is the fastest-growing form of criminal activity.” The genesis …

Oaths of Office Begin January 1: To Be Called to Serve Is Not a Coronation

We the People do not choose kings, queens, princes, or princesses. We choose public servants.

The Republican Form of Government is a two-way relationship that depends on the integrity of the officeholder to operate under the law at all times and for the rest of us to exercise self-rule, self-control to also keep our lives within the boundaries of the laws of our state.

Everything the Communists Say To You Is a Lie, Including When They Say It’s a Fact.

Allow your anger to move you to prayer. Pray as an intercessor for President Trump. Our President, and by extension Republican voters, are under attack by an unseen enemy. The actors are Democrats and some Republicans but they are marching to the orders of Satan, led by unholy spirits.

Dallas County Voter Guide — HAD ENOUGH? VOTE REPUBLICAN!

Dallas County voters are 100% FED UP with corrupt politicians and lawlessness. What’s the cure? Vote Republican all the way down the ballot. The Republican candidate you do not know is far better than the Democrat candidate you do not want.