Texas Pirate Money

In 2015, Governor Abbott signed a bill to establish a gold bullion depository in Texas, repatriating $1 billion of gold from New York. In 2023, bills to create a gold-backed digital currency failed to pass. The Texas gold-backed digital currency will work similarly to GLINT and other states are also moving toward a gold-backed digital currency. Governor Abbott emphasizes the importance of protecting Texas residents and urges people to educate themselves on the issue and lobby their representatives to support the Texas Gold-Backed Digital Currency bills.

Climate Alarmists, ESG, and Your Grocery Costs

The episode discusses the economic impact of ESG policies on farming, leading to rising grocery bills. It highlights the burdens on farmers and proposes solutions. Key topics include Biden administration’s attacks on farming and the global reality of such policies. To learn more, visit Economic Warroom’s website and follow them on Rumble.

DEI: An anagram from Die, as in the death of patriotism

Konstantin Kisin explains the impact of teaching hate towards one’s country and how it’s easier to lie about history. Nationwide protests against the Vietnam War eroded American patriotism. The writer’s own patriotism strengthened during 1960s military service. The article discusses how modern diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices negatively impact the nation. Voting for candidates with Judeo-Christian values is proposed as a cure.

More Federal Control? Dear Congressman Greg Casar (D-TX-35), Fergedaboudit!

The content discusses the proposed federalization of ERCOT and its connection to other states’ power grids in Texas, eliciting concerns about federal influence and the reliability of renewable energy sources. The author, impacted by the February 2021 freeze, advocates for improved local power sources over interstate dependency. The debate intertwines political, economic, and practical considerations.

Meteorological Standards—”so many of them to choose from”

Throughout history, the establishment of standards in measurement has been crucial for various industries. The impact of climate change is a topic of debate, with one perspective questioning the validity of temperature data and the objectives of climate alarmists. The importance of seeking truth and knowledge is emphasized in light of these controversial issues.

2016 Democratic Party Platform—Prelude to the 2024 Platform

The post focuses on the Democratic Party’s intention to reform the U.S. immigration system, arguing it can lead to negative consequences like increased illegal immigration and exploitation of migrant children. The author warns that the Party’s plans to federalize all elections and possibly appoint left-leaning Supreme Court judges could threaten individual liberties. The writer, who identifies as a former Democrat turned Republican, also criticizes the Democrats for an alleged shift towards statism, a system prioritizing state control over individual freedom.

Your Privacy and Your Liberty

Privacy is absolutely vital because, in our private moments, we can speak frankly and openly with our God. Our privacy enables us to be honest and frank with ourselves.

Dear Lt. Governor Dan Patrick,

Regardless of the plans of citizens, businesses, and governments, nothing is possible without adequate finances. If the US dollar collapses next week, how long will the Texas budget surplus last? Overnight, perhaps?

Looking ahead: What is a black swan event?

The Depression will be labeled a Black Swan event even though it’s developing right in front of our eyes. When it happens, it will be seen in retrospect as having been inevitable.