Bible Study: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Related Things

The content discusses the symbolism of the four horses of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation, linking their colors to significant themes such as conquest, upheaval, scarcity, and mortality. It also addresses the relevance of these colors in current geopolitical contexts and encourages prayer and faith in light of biblical teachings.

Reparations or Love? It’s not a difficult choice.

In the news, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett’s proposal to exempt Black people from taxes sparks controversy. The 14th Amendment, equal protection, and the Law of God are cited to refute the idea. The discussion also delves into historical perspectives. The quote from Ezekiel 18:19-20 is presented to emphasize individual accountability.

In the Age of Information, Ignorance is a Choice

Advocates of church-state separation are ignorant of mankind’s history. The First Amendment does not bar Christian participation in government. The Bill of Rights empowers citizens to oversee and correct government, protecting from tyranny. Plato and Asimov criticize the ignorance and lack of critical thinking in leadership. Luke the Evangelist calls for repentance from ignorance.

Faithless Americans Strive to Divide Israel—Prepare for Disastrous Consequences

The content discusses the consequences of cursing and blessing Israel, emphasizing the significance of supporting Israel in line with biblical teachings. It also provides a brief history of Israel and highlights the priority of the Jewish people in God’s plan. The author encourages praying for Jerusalem’s peace and speaking blessings over various aspects of life.

Biden Flouts the Supreme Law of the Land

In his 2024 State of the Union Address, President Joe Biden vowed to codify abortion as a right, urging for a Democrat-controlled Congress to reinstate the overturned Roe v. Wade decision. However, this move contradicts the Supreme Law of the Land and the designated powers of Congress. Voters are advised to consider candidates’ positions on this issue and vote accordingly.

Bible Study: The Purpose of the Parables

A parable is a short, allegorical story used to teach a truth or moral lesson. Jesus’ parables aimed to convey God’s message to those who listened. The Hebrew people, dispersed over centuries, had spiritual ups and downs. Nations of people today have ups and downs.

Lakepointe Church aims to make disciples of Jesus Christ, starting with worship. Jesus is patient, desiring all to repent.

Bible Study: Duty and Faith

The content discusses the influence of historical figures like Benjamin Franklin and biblical references on the creation of the U.S. Constitution, emphasizing the importance of faith, duty, and moral obligation in governance. It also highlights the significance of Judeo-Christian values in shaping Western civilization. The author urges citizens to recognize the nation as under God’s authority to prevent its decline.

Bible Study: To The Jew First

This is a call for Christians to love, respect, and serve Jews in your community. Who are the Jews? 1 When the Lord your God brings you into the land which you are entering to possess and has driven out many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the …

Bible Study: Persuing Wisdom, Choosing Wisely

The post reflects on the wisdom and knowledge of God and discusses the fear of the Lord as a positive reverence. Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson’s departure from the Democratic Party due to conflicting values is mentioned. It emphasizes the importance of wisdom and understanding, drawing from biblical references and highlighting the role of wisdom in leadership.

Why School Choice is a Republican Priority

Benjamin Franklin emphasized the importance of education and access to information for the development of virtue and civil liberty. Texas public school statistics and recent controversies illustrate the ongoing debate over educational content, including LGBTQ programs and banned books. The involvement of Republican voters in the education system’s decision-making process is highlighted as a fundamental principle.