Bible Study: Why do the Islamists strive to kill all the Jews?

People of the world are divided on the issue of Israel the target of destruction by the Iranian Islamists and Israel, the Chosen People of God.

My Opinion: Palestinians ≠ Arabs

Sunni Arab nations refuse Palestinian refugees due to a Sunni-Shia religious divide, not politics. Palestinian groups like Hamas, supported by Shiite Muslim Iran, are considered dangerous by these countries. Meanwhile, Israel hosts a significant Arab population, including Arabs in government roles.

Meet the Islamist Animal Farm | تعرف على مزرعة الحيوانات الإسلامية

Islamists deceive themselves. They believe a false history, practice idolatry, ignore reality and know nothing about the future of all tryants, thieves, murderers, rapists, and people who subscribe to a false history.

Prayer Guide: Governments & Governing Officials

Foreword Today as never before in the history of the United States of America, we are at war, a spiritual war. What are the symptoms? Ephesians 6:10-12 describes our present circumstances: “Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may …

Why I will NOT vote for Mike Pence

Pence was never on our side, the side of the people who elected Donald Trump in 2016. Did he have the authority to delay certification and require validation of elections in suspect states? Yes, unquestionably. The 12th Amendment stipulates, “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote.” The chief authority over the certification of Presidential elections is the “President of the Senate,” a prescribed duty of the Vice President, as per Article I, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution: “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate…”

Jeremiahs’s Story

“I’m Jeremiah, and I was seven years old when I got connected to CareCenter. I grew up in Pleasant Grove, the community that CareCenter serves. I participated in Camp Care, Open Arms After School Program, Men of Honor, and Hilltop Church throughout my childhood. In 2016, when I was eleven, I was severely burned in …

Vulgarity is not the mark of a new era of expletives but the ordinary state of mankind — Looking up!

vulgar (adj.) late 14c., “common, ordinary,” from Latin vulgaris, volgaris “of or pertaining to the common people, common, vulgar, low, mean,” from vulgus, volgus “the common people, multitude, crowd, throng,” for which de Vaan offers no further etymology. The meaning “coarse, low, ill-bred” is recorded by 1640s, probably from earlier use (with reference to people) in the meaning “belonging to the …

Your Privacy and Your Liberty

Privacy is absolutely vital because, in our private moments, we can speak frankly and openly with our God. Our privacy enables us to be honest and frank with ourselves.

Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Change, Big Foot, and Aliens (The from-outer-space kind)

China is the number one country on the list of polluting countries. Outside China, the super container ships carrying manufactured goods from China to client countries are prodigious polluters. One massive container ship produces as much pollution as 50,000,000 automobiles! China produces TWICE as much CO2 into the atmosphere as does the United States of …

Christians Engaging the Culture

Holy scripture teaches us that God is invisible, and Jesus is a visible representation of the Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe, our Heavenly Father. The electromagnetic spectrum was created by God and demonstrates His magnificence.