Bible Study: If you think life is hopeless, you’re right.

Do not eat the bread of him who has an evil eye, neither desire his delicacies; for as he thinks in his heart,so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. Proverbs 23:6-7 The heart is more deceitful than all things and desperately wicked; who can understand …

Bible Study: Why do the Islamists strive to kill all the Jews?

People of the world are divided on the issue of Israel the target of destruction by the Iranian Islamists and Israel, the Chosen People of God.

In the Age of Information, Ignorance is a Choice

Advocates of church-state separation are ignorant of mankind’s history. The First Amendment does not bar Christian participation in government. The Bill of Rights empowers citizens to oversee and correct government, protecting from tyranny. Plato and Asimov criticize the ignorance and lack of critical thinking in leadership. Luke the Evangelist calls for repentance from ignorance.

Bible Study: Who are the Palestinians? Getting to know you b♯♫♩♩

The content discusses the complex history of Arabs, Jews, and Christians in the Middle East, addressing the Palestinian people, religious affiliations, ancient history, and contemporary implications. It emphasizes the need for understanding historical context and encourages peaceful coexistence based on biblical principles. The article sheds light on the presence of Arab Christians predating Islam and advocates for love and peace.

Faithless Americans Strive to Divide Israel—Prepare for Disastrous Consequences

The content discusses the consequences of cursing and blessing Israel, emphasizing the significance of supporting Israel in line with biblical teachings. It also provides a brief history of Israel and highlights the priority of the Jewish people in God’s plan. The author encourages praying for Jerusalem’s peace and speaking blessings over various aspects of life.

What are the consequences of dividing Israel?

Abram was told by the Lord to leave his country and his family, promising to make him a great nation and a blessing to all. The recent U.S. election saw record voter turnout and a heated divide over Israel. The future is anticipated with concerns about a potential economic recession. The writer calls for seeking God in times of distress and finding purpose in life.

Bible Study: The Purpose of the Parables

A parable is a short, allegorical story used to teach a truth or moral lesson. Jesus’ parables aimed to convey God’s message to those who listened. The Hebrew people, dispersed over centuries, had spiritual ups and downs. Nations of people today have ups and downs.

Lakepointe Church aims to make disciples of Jesus Christ, starting with worship. Jesus is patient, desiring all to repent.

The Dennis London I Know

The Associated Republicans of Texas (ACT) mailer promoting incumbent HD33 representative Justin Holland mistakenly describes Dennis London as a political newcomer, despite London’s active involvement in the Republican Party and background as a US Marine Corps veteran. London, who moved from California to Texas due to political and economic reasons, is in contrast to Holland, who allegedly disregards the Texas State Republican Party Platform.

Bible Study: Oil is NOT a Fossil Fuel—Do I have your attention?

In the 1960s, the author gained offshore drilling experience in Texas, questioning the origins of oil. He contrasts evolutionist and creationist worldviews, and discuss contemporary science, petroleum abundance, and climate change. Quoting scripture, he criticizes leftist politics and the carbon debate, urging reliance on the Bible for life’s answers.

Bible Study: More Righteous

Old Testament instances of the phrase ‘more Righteous’ What is righteousness? Righteousness, by human standards, is defined as the quality of being morally true or justifiable … righteousness is the quality of being right in the eyes of God, including character (nature), conscience (attitude), conduct (action), and command (word). Righteousness is, therefore, based upon God’s standard because He is the ultimate Lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22). …