Reparations or Love? It’s not a difficult choice.

In the news, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett’s proposal to exempt Black people from taxes sparks controversy. The 14th Amendment, equal protection, and the Law of God are cited to refute the idea. The discussion also delves into historical perspectives. The quote from Ezekiel 18:19-20 is presented to emphasize individual accountability.

Opinions are the products of your worldview: religious viewpoint, political allegiance, and moral practice

The text discusses the concept of truth and accountability in leadership from a Christian perspective. It argues that societies are accountable to God for the leaders they elect, illustrated with historical examples of Hitler’s Germany and speculative claims about Joe Biden. It emphasizes that a moral and religious populace exercising self-control is a prerequisite for good governance, warning against a future of America ruled by immoral individuals. It concludes with the exhortation for wise choice, citing the author’s personal religious conviction.

Rockwall County Budget: Aligning Spending With Salient Priorities

Reviewing the County website, the County Commissioners page will show sixteen functions indicating a needed reordering of County priorities. If the list were presently numbered, Law Enforcement (the biggest) and the Judiciary (second biggest) functions fall to the bottom, twelfth and fourteenth, respectively.

After former AG candidate Gohmert contributes his 2¢ against Ken Paxton, he kills any hope of ever winning another office.

“In a shocking twist, beloved ex-Congressman and 2022 Texas Attorney General Candidate Louie Gohmert came out to attack Ken Paxton. Gohmert recently wrote an op-ed praising the Texas House and rooting for Paxton’s impeachment. While most in his wing of the GOP are at minimum “holding their noses” for Paxton, Gohmert made some unexpected arguments.” …

Leftists Beg Joe Biden to Declare a Climate Emergency. Coincidentally, Mandatory Masking is on the Near Horizon.—Ignorance is a Choice. Knowledge is Power.

Is your intellect on the sasme level as Greta Thunberg? If no, then educate yourself on some Earth science. Yes, it’s more than a three-minute reading.

What is the difference between an assault weapon and a defensive weapon?

History One Firearm’s History “AK-47, also called Kalashnikov Model 1947, is a Soviet assault rifle, possibly the most widely used shoulder weapon in the world. The initials AK represent Avtomat Kalashnikova, Russian for “automatic Kalashnikov,” for its designer, Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, who designed the accepted version of the weapon in 1947.” Encyclopedia Britannica AK-47 Soviet firearm Sometime in the past, …

White Supremacy? Lying to yourself is simply self-deception.

Headline: Meaida-Ite, 10 Maay 2023 | Dem Congressman Says Republicans Would ‘Gladly’ Bring Back Slavery, Pay ‘People a Dollar an Hour’ Ignorance is not shameful, but an unwillingness to learn the truth is indeed shameful, Congressman Hank Johnson. Personal to Hank Johnson The history of slavery is virtually unknown to most of our fellow Americans, …

There is no shame in ignorance. It is an unwillingness to learn that is shameful.

The Marxists among us want us to believe the myth of the separation of church and state in our country. Such an idea is nowhere to be found in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, or the rest of the 27 amendments.

The Everything Bubble Is About To Pop

If we collectively want a different trajectory, we must collectively want major changes to federal government policies that are destroying our republic: open borders, globalism, ESG credit scoring, unbridled federal spending, the weaponization of our government against citizens, and unwise policies that point toward world war three.