Elevating Repugnance to an Art Form

The atheistic leftists have elevated repugnance to an art form, an evil art form.

Dear Napoleon, No!

A Brief Refresher on Constitutional Authority The federal government has three branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary. The roles of these three co-equal divisions are succinctly defined in Articles I, II, and III, respectively. No, they are not “co-equal.” The authority of the Legislative branch is greater than the other two. Only We the People hold authority above the …

Unconstitutional Gun-Grab Underway in Congress: H.R.6575

Over many years, the ‘Swamp’ in Washington, D.C. has transformed into the seat of the federal government into becoming our big brother that knows better than we what’s good for us.

The U.S. Senate is not your daddy and the House of Representatives is not your momma. To be very clear, the president is not your older, wiser big brother, either.

Democrats Seize Opportunity To Enact Gun Control Over All Americans

If the Democrats succeed in their goals of (1) federalizing all elections and (2) enlarging Democrat voter rolls with illegal aliens, our nation will become a one-party country, a true democracy of mob rule. As with earlier democracies that became one-party states, all opposition—Republican opposition—will be outlawed. Disarming law-abiding Americans is a major step toward losing our republic.

Joe Biden Disregards the Supreme Law of the Land—Unlawful Gun Confiscations Ahead

Joe Biden, for now, thinks .22 caliber guns are okay but 9mm firearms are bad and should be confiscated, but he won’t be doing this through an executive order. For now. His strategy instead is to coax Senator Mitch McConnell to cooperate with Senate Democrats to fashion some form of gun control legislation.

The Constitutional Powers of Congress – Firearms

Only the states have the authority to regulate the purchase, possession, and types of firearms in the respective states. The ONLY federal constitutional authority over firearms is to not infringe on our protected right to keep and bear arms.

Who or What Killed 11 People in Boulder, Colorado?

Do the leftists ‘follow the science’? No, they follow an agenda and the majority of Democrat voters do not realize that if, when, the leftists successfully concentrate all governing authority in a new state of D.C., those Biden voters will be as much the victims as Trump voters.

These Unconstitutional Acts of Congress are not Gun Control, they are People Control

Urge ALL Republicans to Stay Unified Against Gun Control Posted March 8, 2021 So please Take Action by sending an important message to every Republican legislator in the U.S. House of Representatives. Tell them to NOT “clean up” this bill to make gun control slightly more palatable. Full text from Gun Owners of America via …