Budget Showdown: The goal is not a government shutdown. The goal is redirecting national priorities to AMERICA FIRST.

Speaker McCarthy firmly stands on ‘Americans First’ as his number one priority. This should be the number one priority of all governments.

Atmospheric CO2 and Temperature: Which is a Cause and Which is an Effect?

Theology Sets Your Worldview NASA article The Ocean’s Carbon Balance, published July 1, 2008, addressed the oceans’ carbon balance.QUOTE: “After 30 years of research, the question itself hasn’t changed, but the reasoning behind it couldn’t be more different. Oceanographers started out wanting to know if the ocean was keeping up with the amount of carbon …

Dear Napoleon, No!

A Brief Refresher on Constitutional Authority The federal government has three branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary. The roles of these three co-equal divisions are succinctly defined in Articles I, II, and III, respectively. No, they are not “co-equal.” The authority of the Legislative branch is greater than the other two. Only We the People hold authority above the …

Joe Biden strives to bypass the Tenth Amendment through an unconstitutional federal rule.

The Summary of Proposed VA-2022-VHA-0021-0001-Interim Final Rule – Reproductive Health Services “The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) amends its medical regulations to remove the exclusion on abortion counseling and establish exceptions to the exclusion on abortions in the medical benefits package for veterans who receive care set forth in that package, and to remove the …

Written for the people who voted for Joe Biden

Dear Biden voters,
He told you in his campaign speeches he was going to shut down the oil and gas businesses. He told you he would stop building the border wall and millions—MILLIONS—of illegal aliens flood over the border and are fed, clothed, housed, and transported throughout the country at YOUR expense. We are beyond #inflation. The United States of America is in an economic #recession.

Where Do All De Money Go?

Wild, unaccountable spending is destroying the United States of America. Have you any idea the magnitude of our $30 trillion national debt? A stack of 30 trillion US dollar bills could bridge the distance between the earth and the moon 8-1/2 times! Tucker Carlson lays it out in this video: This is shameful. Audio excerpt: …

Attention FBI: Respect For The Law Is A Two-Way Street

Minutes after being jostled awake, Caldwell found himself outside in the freezing cold in his undershorts and a T-shirt. In handcuffs attached to a belly chain, he then was dragged across the lawn by FBI agents and thrown onto the hood of a government sedan. The FBI employees treated Thomas Caldwell despicably and unconstitutionally.

Global Famine In Our Near Future? Grasshoppers Will Ignore The Warnings.

President Trump reduced the size of government and secured our southern border. Overnight, Joe Biden reversed Trump policies and increased the size of government.

Are you prepared to deal with the consequences of bad government?