In the Age of Information, Ignorance is a Choice

Advocates of church-state separation are ignorant of mankind’s history. The First Amendment does not bar Christian participation in government. The Bill of Rights empowers citizens to oversee and correct government, protecting from tyranny. Plato and Asimov criticize the ignorance and lack of critical thinking in leadership. Luke the Evangelist calls for repentance from ignorance.

Texas Pirate Money

In 2015, Governor Abbott signed a bill to establish a gold bullion depository in Texas, repatriating $1 billion of gold from New York. In 2023, bills to create a gold-backed digital currency failed to pass. The Texas gold-backed digital currency will work similarly to GLINT and other states are also moving toward a gold-backed digital currency. Governor Abbott emphasizes the importance of protecting Texas residents and urges people to educate themselves on the issue and lobby their representatives to support the Texas Gold-Backed Digital Currency bills.

Do you agree? — Inflation is NOT a laughing matter.

Senator Ted Cruz posted on Facebook a warning against #BidenFlation, the inflation of the US dollar since January 6, 2021. 18% of respondents to Senator Cruz’s post think inflation is a laughing matter. Facts are what they are. Who’s laughing now?

Central Bank Fiat Currency: As Yoda would say, “Clear, your mind must be, if you are to discover the real villains behind this plot.”

The author discusses various financial matters, notably the history and risks of fiat currency, the role of the Federal Reserve, and the development of digital currencies. The author criticizes the Fed’s “responsible” management of digital assets, underscores the need for congressional approval for issuing digital dollars, and expresses personal concern over a Central Bank Digital Currency. Furthermore, the author highlights possible surveillance risks associated with China’s Digital Yuan.

Young Americans: A Look Into Your Future By Way Of My History

The writer reflects on the history and misuse of Social Security Numbers (SSNs), citing their original purpose to track lifetime earnings for retirement benefits. He recalls when Holiday Inn used SSNs as loyalty numbers, expressing concern over potential privacy violations. He touches on labor laws, personal work history, and comments on unnecessary SSN requests from various organizations. He also discusses social attitudes towards SSNs referencing biblical context and hints at potential risks with digital currencies.

Budget Showdown: The goal is not a government shutdown. The goal is redirecting national priorities to AMERICA FIRST.

Speaker McCarthy firmly stands on ‘Americans First’ as his number one priority. This should be the number one priority of all governments.

Prayer Guide: Governments & Governing Officials

Foreword Today as never before in the history of the United States of America, we are at war, a spiritual war. What are the symptoms? Ephesians 6:10-12 describes our present circumstances: “Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may …

Rockwall County Budget: Aligning Spending With Salient Priorities

Reviewing the County website, the County Commissioners page will show sixteen functions indicating a needed reordering of County priorities. If the list were presently numbered, Law Enforcement (the biggest) and the Judiciary (second biggest) functions fall to the bottom, twelfth and fourteenth, respectively.

Use your SSN for ID? Just say, “No!”

In recent days, my church required a background check using my Social Security Number to qualify to teach the Bible to adults. I offered to give the “last four,” but I learned the “last four” are what identity thieves look for. Imagine having to disclose your tax ID to teach the Bible.