Ye, the Sheep, are Ruled By Propaganda. We, the People, are ruled by Knowledge.

In this content, John Adams and the Bible emphasize the importance of discerning truth. The writer discusses anti-Vietnam War protests and reveals the communist influence funding the protests, and details anti-Israel protests likewise funded by un-American groups. The piece also criticizes public education, and claims Joe Biden is betraying the country by not supporting Israel. The author advocates for knowledge as power.

Bible Study: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Related Things

The content discusses the symbolism of the four horses of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation, linking their colors to significant themes such as conquest, upheaval, scarcity, and mortality. It also addresses the relevance of these colors in current geopolitical contexts and encourages prayer and faith in light of biblical teachings.

Bible Study: How do we overcome and endure the many threats to our peace today?

What’s in a word? — שַׁלוָה | peace Our federal government has become the most challenging outlaw in our entire history: open borders, the prosecution/persecution of political opponents, rampant corruption, brutish federal law enforcement, etc. Inflation and exorbitant federal spending threaten economic collapse. World War III is an imminent threat. In our English-language Bible, John …

Bible Study: Amalek meets Bibi Netanyahu 2023 AD—A Call to Prayer for Israel

The history of the Jews began with the birth of Isaac in Gerar, Gaza in 2067 BC. God renamed Isaac, Israel. Satan has worked to destroy the Jews, but there they are today. Learn more about current events.

Who are the Palestinians? Americans need to know.

The Arab-Palestinian conflict is depicted from multiple perspectives, highlighting historical facts about Palestinian Arabs’ origins and their continual refusal of statehood. Various personal experiences showcase diverse profiles of Palestinians, from good citizens to suspected terrorists. Vociferous politician Rashida Tlaib’s drive for recognizing Palestinian displacement and ongoing security issues posed by potential terrorist cells. References are made to the historical significance of Gaza, often forgotten in today’s tumultuous political climate.

Meet the Islamist Animal Farm | تعرف على مزرعة الحيوانات الإسلامية

Islamists deceive themselves. They believe a false history, practice idolatry, ignore reality and know nothing about the future of all tryants, thieves, murderers, rapists, and people who subscribe to a false history.

History of Jews in the Middle East

This timeline traces historical events pertinent to Israel and its people, beginning with Abram’s birth around 2100 BC and the ensuing celestial promises. Notable events include the birth of Abram’s sons, the Hasmonean conquest of Gaza, the division of the Jewish kingdom, the Balfour Declaration, the formal recognition of Israel as a nation, and various conflicts including the Six-Day and Yom Kippur Wars. The timeline concludes with events in 2023 related to Italy, Iran, and Israel.

Transgender: Transformational or Deformational?

Knowledge is power. When we Americans turn from unholy human opinions to the immutable truths found in the Bible, God again turns away our spiritual enemy that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.

Looking ahead: What is a black swan event?

The Depression will be labeled a Black Swan event even though it’s developing right in front of our eyes. When it happens, it will be seen in retrospect as having been inevitable.

It’s 2021, Democrats Are In Control And You Expected What?

Millions of American voters, even those predisposed to voter fraud, will be voting Republican over the next two general election cycles, if America is still standing after Joe Biden and his unofficial vice president Susan Rice (aka the shadow president) totally bankrupt our country. Here’s why.