More Federal Control? Dear Congressman Greg Casar (D-TX-35), Fergedaboudit!

The content discusses the proposed federalization of ERCOT and its connection to other states’ power grids in Texas, eliciting concerns about federal influence and the reliability of renewable energy sources. The author, impacted by the February 2021 freeze, advocates for improved local power sources over interstate dependency. The debate intertwines political, economic, and practical considerations.

The Facts On Power Grids & Federal Controls

Why should Texans object to connecting our ERCOT grid with either of the other two grids? Interconnection would transfer authority over the ERCOT grid from the Texas Legislature to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The FERC regulates “Rates and services for electric transmission in interstate commerce and electric wholesale power sales in interstate commerce – Principally under Parts II and III of the Federal Power Act”.