How can you identify the loser in a political race? The loser resorts to slanders against his opponent.

It has been said, “The Devil always overplays his hand.” Do we not see this in almost all election years? Is slander a new phenomenon? No, slander has been a tool of political candidates of low character throughout the history of the United States of America. Back in the 1800’s, the newspaper publishers “printed highly …

School Board and Bond Elections Are No Longer Non-Partisan — Here’s Why

In 2023, Justin Holland and his ‘fraternity’ oppose School Choice in Rockwall ISD. His ‘fraternity’ say they believe the district offers excellent education, but fear losing funds to school vouchers, contradictory positions. This has turned non-partisan elections into a partisan issue, with Democrats and neocons against School Choice, while Republicans support it. School Choice addresses poor education in Democrat-run metropolitan areas. The Dallas ISD’s LGBTQ program highlights this divide, drawing attention to the Democratic Party’s ties to LGBTQ causes and the LGBTQ agenda’s perceived greed and perversion.

Why School Choice is a Republican Priority

Benjamin Franklin emphasized the importance of education and access to information for the development of virtue and civil liberty. Texas public school statistics and recent controversies illustrate the ongoing debate over educational content, including LGBTQ programs and banned books. The involvement of Republican voters in the education system’s decision-making process is highlighted as a fundamental principle.

Can Laws and Policies Prevent Bullying? Fuhgeddaboudit!

Case Study Headline: July 27, 2023, Mallory Grossman’s parents reach $9.1M settlement with NJ school district in bullying case The New Jersey news service reported on July 27, 2023, “On June 14, 2017, Mallory took her own life after what her family called “horrific” bullying at school and online. She was just 12 years old.” As …

What Is Behind The Sexualization Of American Children?

Marxists began around 1910 to sexualize children to sexualize children to cause sexual and gender confusion so that they become political activists on behalf of some other agenda.

Family Chemistry — Timeout For Critical Thinking

Timeout for critical thinking on the chemistry of the organic family What is the family? Teaching preschoolers a family can be two mommies or two daddies is taxpayer-funded idolatry. Since the time of Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, the organic, anatomically correct configuration of the family is and has always been a binary …

School Choice

Polls indicate a majority of Americans support school choice, particularly here in the Lone Star State. The school district trustees seem to hold a naïve belief that our tax dollars should only be used to sustain the school district, a governmental entity. No, trustees, those tax dollars are not your dollars; they are our dollars.