Ye, the Sheep, are Ruled By Propaganda. We, the People, are ruled by Knowledge.

In this content, John Adams and the Bible emphasize the importance of discerning truth. The writer discusses anti-Vietnam War protests and reveals the communist influence funding the protests, and details anti-Israel protests likewise funded by un-American groups. The piece also criticizes public education, and claims Joe Biden is betraying the country by not supporting Israel. The author advocates for knowledge as power.

Bible Study: Why do the Islamists strive to kill all the Jews?

People of the world are divided on the issue of Israel the target of destruction by the Iranian Islamists and Israel, the Chosen People of God.

Bible Study: Who are the Palestinians? Getting to know you b♯♫♩♩

The content discusses the complex history of Arabs, Jews, and Christians in the Middle East, addressing the Palestinian people, religious affiliations, ancient history, and contemporary implications. It emphasizes the need for understanding historical context and encourages peaceful coexistence based on biblical principles. The article sheds light on the presence of Arab Christians predating Islam and advocates for love and peace.

Bible Study: To The Jew First

This is a call for Christians to love, respect, and serve Jews in your community. Who are the Jews? 1 When the Lord your God brings you into the land which you are entering to possess and has driven out many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the …

Bible Study: Amalek meets Bibi Netanyahu 2023 AD—A Call to Prayer for Israel

The history of the Jews began with the birth of Isaac in Gerar, Gaza in 2067 BC. God renamed Isaac, Israel. Satan has worked to destroy the Jews, but there they are today. Learn more about current events.

Satanic Violence Is Fueled By Ignorance

This once prosperous and peaceful South Africa has slipped into a living hell hole. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give life and peace. Without the Prince of Peace, there can be no peace.

Who are the Palestinians? Americans need to know.

The Arab-Palestinian conflict is depicted from multiple perspectives, highlighting historical facts about Palestinian Arabs’ origins and their continual refusal of statehood. Various personal experiences showcase diverse profiles of Palestinians, from good citizens to suspected terrorists. Vociferous politician Rashida Tlaib’s drive for recognizing Palestinian displacement and ongoing security issues posed by potential terrorist cells. References are made to the historical significance of Gaza, often forgotten in today’s tumultuous political climate.