Palestinian Authority no longer qualified to govern as Muslim persecution threatens the existence of the oldest Christian community in the world

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has the responsibility to maintain peace in Bethlehem, but either it is unable or unwilling to protect the Christian population. When a government fails or refuses to protect its citizens, a government abdicates its authority.

Therefore, it is time for Israeli authority over the west bank of the Jordan River.

The Lure of Satanism — Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly

Contemporary Satanists don’t fly about on brooms or wear clothing that identifies them as followers of the satanic spirit. They are the soccer moms next door, the skilled craftsmen who construct buildings, and lawyers like Jamie Smith.

Family Chemistry — Timeout For Critical Thinking

Timeout for critical thinking on the chemistry of the organic family What is the family? Teaching preschoolers a family can be two mommies or two daddies is taxpayer-funded idolatry. Since the time of Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, the organic, anatomically correct configuration of the family is and has always been a binary …

A (insert your preferred gender identity)’s Navy

Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Harker’s ominous threat to impose affirmative action should trouble all Americans. Think of this post as an invitation to pray for all the men and women, including Navy Chaplains, under the fascist heel of the Chief Diversity Officer.

Big Tech Censorship: Interference of Interstate Commerce?

Is the YouTube demonetization of World Net Daily a violation of the Commerce Clause and subject to prosecution under anti-trust law?