Bible Study: Why do the Islamists strive to kill all the Jews?

People of the world are divided on the issue of Israel the target of destruction by the Iranian Islamists and Israel, the Chosen People of God.

Bible Study: To The Jew First

This is a call for Christians to love, respect, and serve Jews in your community. Who are the Jews? 1 When the Lord your God brings you into the land which you are entering to possess and has driven out many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the …

A Solidarity Event In Support of Israel’s Soldiers and Their Families

The population of the United States is 36 times the population of Israel. 2,996 Americans lost their lives on September 11, 2001. 1,200 victims of Hamas on October 7, 2023, on a scale of the population of the United States, was equivalent to 107,856 victims in Israel in one day. [2,996 X 36 = 107,856] …

Bible Study: Amalek meets Bibi Netanyahu 2023 AD—A Call to Prayer for Israel

The history of the Jews began with the birth of Isaac in Gerar, Gaza in 2067 BC. God renamed Isaac, Israel. Satan has worked to destroy the Jews, but there they are today. Learn more about current events.

Armed Texans Are Obligated By Law To Defend Jews Under Attack

God’s chosen people are an ancient people with ancient enemies. IN THE NEWS Harvard whistleblower points to ‘undisguised calls for the murder of Jews’ after launch of federal probe — Harvard alum blasts Ivy school’s ‘laissez-faire attitude’ to protesters’ ‘undisguised calls for the murder of Jews’ — Fox News, December 3, 2023 Chanting ‘700,’ pro-Palestinian …

Tracking the US State Department— Vietnam 1945 to Israel 2023

As Winston Churchill noted, “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” The ‘Deep State’ is an enemy within our borders, a bevy of unelected bureaucrats that betray the foundations of our nation and its people. I call for Cong. Pat Fallon to investigate the State Department.

Why Palestinians Do Not Want a Two-State Solution

The demand for a Palestinian state is a ruse to destory the Jews. If the Islamists could destroy all the Jews, there would be an even greater bloodbath as the Islamst kill one another.

How can you know you are a follower of Jesus Christ? The easy answer: Persecution.

Church InformationAtlah World Ministries Website: W 123rd StNew York, NY 10027 The Atlah World Ministries Church was founded and organized in Harlem on June 6, 1957, by Reverend Millard Alexander Stanley as the Bethelite Community Baptist Church.1 If the Huffington Post is your enemy, count it all joy. Read a HuffPo story titled, Atlah Church Is Classified As …