God’s Tax: Equal Protection of the Laws

The biblical concept of stewardship emphasizes tithing, a tenth of one’s increase, to the Lord. This practice circumvented class divisions and ensured equal percentage contributions. Tithing is upheld in the New Testament, and many churches advocate for it to support their operations. The tithe, set at 10%, is seen as the standard for ecclesiastical taxation.

Bible Study: The Sin Nature — ♫ Love and Marriage ♬

The term “sin” appears 38 times in the New Testament, originating from the Greek word meaning “to miss the mark.” Believers find direction in Jesus, who proclaimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). God created man with a divine purpose and out of love, not hate. Through love and faith, sin can be overcome.

Bible Study: the Royal Priesthood

The principal duty of a priest is to facilitate fellowship between a holy God and sinful people. This concept originated in the Garden of Eden and was later elevated with Aaron in the Exodus. The New Testament book of Hebrews reinstates the concept of priesthood for modern believers, emphasizing individual faith and Jesus Christ as the High Priest.

Bible Study: Hey, Jude ♪ (apologies to Paul McCartney)

The X rating for pornographic movies was introduced in 1968, and the Supreme Court’s decision legalized pornography. The book of Jude was written for believers. The US Bill of Rights protects citizens from government tyranny, but its interpretation on obscenity has been contentious. Believers are encouraged to practice self-control and focus on positive, virtuous thoughts.

Bible Study: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Related Things

The content discusses the symbolism of the four horses of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation, linking their colors to significant themes such as conquest, upheaval, scarcity, and mortality. It also addresses the relevance of these colors in current geopolitical contexts and encourages prayer and faith in light of biblical teachings.

Bible Study: If you think life is hopeless, you’re right.

Do not eat the bread of him who has an evil eye, neither desire his delicacies; for as he thinks in his heart,so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. Proverbs 23:6-7 The heart is more deceitful than all things and desperately wicked; who can understand …

Bible Study: How do we overcome and endure the many threats to our peace today?

What’s in a word? — שַׁלוָה | peace Our federal government has become the most challenging outlaw in our entire history: open borders, the prosecution/persecution of political opponents, rampant corruption, brutish federal law enforcement, etc. Inflation and exorbitant federal spending threaten economic collapse. World War III is an imminent threat. In our English-language Bible, John …

Bible Study: The Purpose of the Parables

A parable is a short, allegorical story used to teach a truth or moral lesson. Jesus’ parables aimed to convey God’s message to those who listened. The Hebrew people, dispersed over centuries, had spiritual ups and downs. Nations of people today have ups and downs.

Lakepointe Church aims to make disciples of Jesus Christ, starting with worship. Jesus is patient, desiring all to repent.

Bible Study: Persuing Wisdom, Choosing Wisely

The post reflects on the wisdom and knowledge of God and discusses the fear of the Lord as a positive reverence. Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson’s departure from the Democratic Party due to conflicting values is mentioned. It emphasizes the importance of wisdom and understanding, drawing from biblical references and highlighting the role of wisdom in leadership.

Bible Study: More Righteous

Old Testament instances of the phrase ‘more Righteous’ What is righteousness? Righteousness, by human standards, is defined as the quality of being morally true or justifiable … righteousness is the quality of being right in the eyes of God, including character (nature), conscience (attitude), conduct (action), and command (word). Righteousness is, therefore, based upon God’s standard because He is the ultimate Lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22).  Christianity.com: …