The FBI/DOJ/ATF Abuse Chronicles

FBI Violations of Private Property

Business Insider, Sep 25, 2022 | Lawsuit filed after FBI agents raided 1,400 deposit boxes at a US Private Vaults branch claims owners’ items have still not been returned
A lawsuit that was filed after FBI agents raided a vault company, seizing more than $86 million in cash as well as jewelry and gold from 1,400 safe-deposit boxes, says the owners’ items have still not been returned and that agents misled a judge to get the warrant.

1992—The Ruby Ridge, Idaho Massacre

The Lawful Path, Copyright 1996 | THE RANDY WEAVER CASE
BATF’s entrapment of Randy Weaver led to the violent deaths of three people. Says his defense attorney, Gerry Spence: “What happened to Randy Weaver can happen to anybody in this country.”

Famous Trials, Copyright 1995 | The Ruby Ridge (Randy Weaver) Trial: A Chronology

or shoot your little boy in the back

Famous Trials, Copyright 1995 | Gerry Spence On Why He Agreed to Defend Randy Weaver
Attorney Gerry Spence explains why he chose to defend Randy Weaver: “Randy Weaver’s wife was dead, shot through the head while she clutched her child to her breast. His son was shot, twice. First they shot the child’s arm, probably destroyed the arm. The child cried out. Then, as the child was running they shot him in the back. Randy Weaver himself had been shot and wounded and Kevin Harris, a kid the Weavers had all but adopted was dying of a chest wound. The blood hadn’t cooled on Ruby Hill before the national media announced that I had taken the defense of Randy Weaver. Then all hell broke loose…. I met Randy Weaver in jail on the evening of his surrender. His eyes had no light in them. He was unshaven and dirty. He was naked except for yellow plastic prison coveralls, and he was cold. His small feet were clad in rubber prison sandals. In the stark setting of the prison conference room he seemed diminutive and fragile. He had spent 11 days and nights in a standoff against the government and he had lost. His wife was dead. His son was dead. His friend was near death. Weaver himself had been wounded. He had lost his freedom. He had lost it all. And now he stood face to face with a stranger who towered over him and whose words were not words of comfort… Randy Weaver’s principal crime against the government had been his failure to appear in court on a charge of possessing illegal firearms. The first crime was not his. He had been entrapped–intentionally, systematically, patiently, purposefully entrapped–by a federal agent who solicited him to cut off, contrary to Federal law, the barrels of a couple of shotguns. Randy Weaver never owned an illegal weapon in his life… In this country we embrace the myth that we are still a democracy when we know that we are not a democracy, that we are not free, that the government does not serve us but subjugates us. Although we give lip service to the notion of freedom, we know the government is no longer the servant of the people but, at last has become the people’s master… When Randy Weaver failed to appear in court because he had lost his trust in the government we witnessed the fruit of our crime. The government indeed had no intent to protect his rights. The government had but one purpose, as it remains today, the disengagement of this citizen from society. Those who suffered and died in the Holocaust must have exquisitely understood such illicit motivations of power… When the government agents were confronted with the barking dog, they did what men who have been taught to kill do. They shot Striker. The boy, barely larger than a 10-year-old child, heard the dog’s yelp, saw the dog fall dead. and as a 14-year-old might, he returned the fire. Then the government agents shot the child in the arm. He turned and ran. the arm flopping, and when he did, the officers, still unidentified as such, shot the child in the back and killed him… Kevin Harris witnessed the shooting of the dog. Then he saw Sam being shot as the boy turned and ran. To Kevin, there was no alternative. He knew if he ran these intruders, whoever they were, would kill him as well. In defense of himself, he raised his rifle and shot in the direction of the officer who had shot and killed the boy. Then while the agents were in disarray, Kevin retreated to the Weaver cabin… Later that same day, Randy, Kevin, and Vicki Weaver, Randy’s wife went down to where the boy lay and carried his body back to an outbuilding near the cabin. There they removed the child’s clothing and bathed his wounds and prepared the body. The next evening Weaver’s oldest daughter, Sarah, sixteen, Kevin, and Randy went back to the shed to have a last look at Sam. When they did, government snipers opened fire. Randy was hit in the shoulder. The three turned and ran for the house where Vicki, with her 10 month old baby in her arms stood holding the door open. As the 3 entered the house Vicki was shot and slowly fell to her knees, her head resting on the floor like one kneeling in prayer. Randy ran up and took the baby that she clutched, and then he lifted his wife’s head. Half her face was blown away…
The Burning Platform, Aug 22, 2021 | THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Shootings at Ruby Ridge – 1992
“A marshal shot and killed the dog, prompting Sammy to fire at the marshal. In the ensuing gun battle, Sammy and U.S. Marshal Michael Degan were shot and killed. A tense standoff ensued, and on August 22 the FBI joined the marshals besieging Ruby Ridge. In the second day of a standoff at Randy Weaver’s remote northern Idaho cabin atop Ruby Ridge, FBI sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi wounds Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris, and then kills Weaver’s wife, Vicki.” Vicki was murdered by FBI sniper Ron Horiuchi as she stood with her baby in her arms.

DocumentaryHeaven, date uncertain | American Experience: Ruby Ridge
“The standoff itself would mesmerize the nation and many believed that this was proof of the federal government being out of control. In this film, we hear from eyewitnesses including Weaver’s daughter, Sara, and the federal agents involved in the shootout; all accounts and footage featured make for a riveting account of the event which helped give rise to the modern American militia movement.”

Los Angeles Times, Aug 16, 1995 | U.S. to Pay $3.1 Million for ‘92 Idaho Shootout : Court: Settlement in Weaver case reflects loss of mother, son in Ruby Ridge incident. But wrongdoing is denied.

1993—The Branch Davidian, Waco, Texas Massacre

The Washington Post, June 10, 1993 | KORESH CALLED ‘911’ WHEN RAID BEGAN
“Moments after about 100 ATF agents began their assault, Branch Davidian Wayne Martin, a top Koresh lieutenant, frantically dialed the local emergency telephone line. “911, what’s your emergency?” asked a dispatcher with the McLennan County Sheriff’s Department. “There are men, 75 men around our building shooting at us,” said Martin. “. . . Tell them there are children and women in here and to call it off.” Lt. Larry Lynch, of the county sheriff’s department, apparently unsure of what was unfolding, then came to the telephone. “Hello, I hear gunfire. Oh {expletive}, hello, who is this? Hello . . . God Almighty . . . .”

The Libertarian Institute, Sep 27, 2019 | When the Government Comes for Your Guns – Branch Davidian Edition
Excerpt-1: “Like thousands of other people in Texas, the Brand Davidians bought and sold guns for a profit. Dick Reavis tells the story, “In 1991, he (Koresh) began studying armaments, and buying and selling guns. He pretty quickly found out there’s a lot of money to be made at gun shows, and he and other people started going to gun shows. And they bought and sold.” Reavis continues, “We now say, or the press now says, and most people say, they stockpiled weapons. All gun dealers stockpile weapons, all gun shops stockpile weapons. We call those stockpiles an inventory.” (Ibid., 23:45)”
Excerpt-2: “In June of 1992, the ATF assigned Special Agent Davy Aguilera to investigate whether Koresh and the Branch Davidians were manufacturing, or dealing, illegal guns. Carol Moore writes in The Davidian Massacre, “As of December 1992, Aguilera’s only evidence that the Davidians were committing any such crimes was that they had bought a number of legal weapons and legal gun parts which, with the help of a few parts they had not purchased, can be converted into machine guns. However, the BATF’s suspicions remained pure conjecture.” (Moore, p52)”

Waco History, Feb 28-Apr 19, 1993 | The Branch Davidian Siege
“Extensive investigations took place following the siege, and the events that transpired in Waco transformed the way federal officials conducted future operational tactics. Four months after the fire, a federal grand jury indicted twelve of the surviving Branch Davidians for aiding and abetting the murder of federal officers, along with the unlawful possession of firearms. Four members were acquitted, and the remaining eight were convicted, but only for firearms-related offenses. By 2007, all members had been released from prison. Nothing remains of the original compound, but a new Branch Davidian community now exists on the property called Branch, The Lord Our Righteousness.”

Federal Attorney General Deprives Legal Cuban Refugee of Asylum

The Miami New Times, Apr 21, 2020 | The Myth of Elián, the Boy Who Was Plucked From the Sea
“Elián had escaped Cuba on a makeshift raft with his mother and 13 other refugees. Only three survived the journey: 5-year-old Elián, 22-year-old Arianne Horta, and 33-year-old Nivaldo Fernández-Ferra. Elián’s mother, swallowed by the sea, died during the crossing. Toward the end, Elián found himself alone, adrift and dehydrated. He would later say dolphins helped him survive by keeping his inner tube from sinking.”

MHV03D:ELIAN:MIAMI,22APR00 – Elian Gonzalez, held by Donato Dalrymple, is taken by U.S. federal agents from his Miami relatives April 22. U.S. federal authorities stormed the Miami house where Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez was sleeping early on Saturday morning. Dalrymple is one of the two sport fishermen that rescued him at sea. sb/POOL/Photo by Al Daiz REUTERS

CubaNet CubaNews, Apr 22, 2000 | Federal agents seize Elian in predawn raid
“Elian Gonzalez is held in a closet by Donato Dalrymple, one of the fishermen who rescued the boy from the ocean, right, as government officials search the home of Lazaro Gonzalez for the young boy, early Saturday morning, April 22, 2000, in Miami… More than 20 agents arrived at the home shortly after 5 a.m. and used rams on the chain-link fence and on the front door. A short time later, a woman and man brought Elian out of the home and put him in a white van that drove away…

Elian’s daughter, Marisleysis, who has been called his surrogate mother, made an emotional address to the protesters. She said it was no longer a Cuban-American issue… “This is now an American issue because we live in America,” she said. “Janet Reno and Bill Clinton … betrayed this country, not just my family.”

2019-2022 The “Get Trump” Democrat Initiative

network of jihadists and communists that have worked together to undermine America at its root for decades. From 9/11, to the Las Vegas shooting, to January 6, the Mar-a-Lago raid, Ray Epps, and the NSA – John tells truths that American intelligence agencies have long sought to deprive every American citizen of… For years, Americans have failed to realize that our greatest enemy has not been an ocean away. Our adversaries are HERE on American soil – present within our institutions – and advising those who are sworn to represent us throughout the highest levels of our federal government. The most important battle being waged today is taking place WITHIN our intelligence agencies. The tyranny running rampant throughout the federal government cannot persist against the truth, which makes this a message they DON’T want you to hear.

Fox News, Jan 25, 2019 | FBI’s show of force in Roger Stone arrest spurs criticism of Mueller tactics

NY Post, Sep 24, 2022 | Trump FBI Raid

Turning Point USA video, Sep 26, 2022 | FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within
In this exclusive interview, Turning Point USA sits down with former FBI Special Agent, John Guandolo. This crucial conversation sheds light on the undiscussed

ABC News, Mar 8, 2021 | Authorities arrest Oath Keeper seen with Trump adviser Roger Stone on morning of insurrection
“In February, Minuta’s wife confirmed to ABC News that her husband had gone to the Capitol on the day of the insurrection, but said that he never went inside the Capitol building. He was “another patriot outside the Capitol Building … standing up for freedom,” she said.”

Life Site, Jun 6, 2022 | FBI arrests former Trump adviser for refusing to testify before January 6 Committee

Fox News, Aug 8, 2022 | FBI raids Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: ‘Unprecedented’ for agency to execute search warrant against former president
Lara Trump: “If this is what they are able to do to a former president of the United States, think about what they could do to you.”

RedState, Aug 9, 2022 | This Is Getting Crazy Now: FBI Seizes Cell Phone of Member of Congress Who Is Trump Ally

ABC News, Sep 1, 2022 | Biden attacks Trump and MAGA Republicans as threat to American democracy

The Gateway Pundit, Sep 9, 2022 | BREAKING UPDATE: Up to 50 Trump Supporters Have Homes Raided by DOJ-FBI Across the US (VIDEO)

The Epoch Times, Sep 12, 2022 | ‘The Government Is Not Our Friend’: Founder of True the Vote Discusses Being Targeted by FBI, IRS

The Blaze, Sep 13, 2022 | Mike Lindell says the FBI confiscated his cell phone at drive-thru of a Hardee’s

Forbes, Sep 21, 2022 | Here’s Why The FBI Is Investigating MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell

Washington Examiner, Sep 22, 2022 | Mike Lindell phone seizure concerned alleged identity theft, warrant claims
“The Warrant was obtained by the Government in bad faith,” lawyers for Lindell wrote. “In applying for the issuance of the Warrant, the [Justice] Department failed to apprise Magistrate Judge Leung of Mr. Lindell’s role in attempting to uncover violations of federal and Colorado election record retention statutes and the fact that he communicated with his lawyers about these matters. It also failed to appraise the Magistrate Judge of the subpoena it intended to serve on Plaintiffs.”

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov, Sep 26, 2022 | Mike Lindell’s FBI Phone Seizure Warrant Reveals Why DOJ Is Investigating Him

FBI Harasses and Persecutes Pro-Life Advocates

Fox News, Oct 6, 2022 | Biden DOJ indicts 11 pro-life activists for protesting outside abortion clinic — Biden’s DOJ has allowed attacks against pro-life clinics to go unpunished

Todd Starnes, Sep 23, 2022 | Dozens of FBI Agents Storm House, Arrest Well-Respected Pro-Life Author

National Review, Sep 24, 2022 | Pro-Life Activist Arrested After SWAT Team Raids Home with Guns Drawn in Front of ‘Screaming’ Children

The Daily Signal, Sep 26, 2022 | FBI, Justice Department Twist Federal Law to Arrest, Charge Pro-Life Activist

The Christian Post, Sep 27, 2022 | FBI, DOJ face pushback over arrest, prosecution of Catholic pro-life activist

Texas Right To Life, Sep 27, 2022 | FBI Denies Any Wrongdoing in Raid, Arrest of Pro-Life Father

Published by John White

A lifetime (over 50 years) of experiences with automation and control systems ranging from aerospace navigation, radar, and ordinance delivery systems to the world's first robotic drilling machine for the oil patch, to process-control systems, energy management systems and general problem-solving. At present, my focus is on self-funding HVAC retrofit projects and indoor air quality with a view to preventing infections from airborne pathogens.

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