Ye, the Sheep, are Ruled By Propaganda. We, the People, are ruled by Knowledge.

Founding Father John Adams, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

The Bible teaches how to discern between a lie and the truth. Proverbs 18:17He who is first in his own cause seems just, but his neighbor comes and searches him.” My paraphrase: “Every story can sound true before you hear the other side.”

Case Number 1: Anti-Vietnam War Protests

Excerpt from the Documentary Truth and Myths About The Vietnam War

Quote, starting at minute 16:04
“Another myth is that anti-war groups were noble and self-funded. When North Vietnam realized the anti-war protest and an increasingly anti-war American Media had turned a devastating military defeat into a resounding political Victory, it bolstered their resolve to persevere and pay even more attention to agitation and propaganda on the US home front.

While initially, the anti-war movement only had a minor impact on the vast majority of the American public, it had a major impact on Congress and the news media. Anti-war organizations during the Vietnam War were funded with large budgets by the Soviet Union and the American Communist Party, all in support of North Vietnam. By using effective lobbyists and informants, many of these organizations had a very significant influence on Congress and the news media.”
End Quote at minute 17:31

Case Number 2: Anti-Israel War Protests

Politico, May 6, 2024, Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donorsWithin Our Lifetime is just one of a vast network of organizations that have coordinated protests that have blocked highways, delayed trains and shut down parts of college campuses across the country for the past few months…The NYC-based pro-Palestine group is led by Nerdeen Kiswani, a 29-year-old who founded the group nearly a decade ago to build a community for young people who want to raise awareness about the Palestinian cause.” … “They’re extremely organized. There are a lot of the Islamist-leaning groups that I think many of us have come to expect here,” Schanzer told NewsNation. “These are not spontaneous. They are not necessarily organic. They are cultivated by groups that have an axe to grind.”

The Algemeiner, April 25, 2024, Network Behind Eruption of Anti-Israel College Campus Protests Revealed in New Report
“In the wake of the Hamas terror group’s Oct. 7 invasion of southern Israel, the “exponential rise in antisemitic violence, incitement, intimidation, and harassment on and around college campuses in the United States is not the product of spontaneous protests of individuals. Rather, they are tightly coordinated and well-funded by a network of radical and often antisemitic nongovernmental organizations,” stated the report by NGO Monitor, a Jerusalem-based research institute. “Under the guise of human rights and justice, these NGOs work to undermine the economic, military, and other ties between the US and Israel, and to besiege and divide the US Jewish community.”…Students for Justice in Palestinealignment of large philanthropic organizations with BDS

MSN linked to Fox News, May 1, 2024, Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind ‘well-funded’ anti-Israel campus protests, group says
The report, published last week, highlights the activities of “seemingly grassroots activist movements,” like Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P), which was formed after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel…NCRI described SID4P as an “anti-capitalist, anti-police, and anti-government protest movement [that] functions as a hybrid online/real-world network for mobilizing frequent demonstrations as well as gradually escalating direct-action campaigns targeting critical infrastructure and public spaces.” …Operating under the SID4P umbrella are members of the “Singham Network,” a global web of nonprofits, fiscal sponsors and alternative news sources tied to Neville Roy Singham, an American-born multimillionaire tech mogul based in Shanghai who is married to Jodie Evans, co-founder of the left-wing anti-war group Code Pink.”

Relativism is the Antithesis of Truth

A locally well-known pastor used to say, “Truth is the way things really are.” Dr. Jeff Myers writes in his book TRUTH CHANGES EVERYTHING, “In a biblical worldview, Truth means seeing everything from God’s perspective.”

I see two classes of anti-Israel protestors. First, the Islamist protestors, particularly the Shiites, hate Isreal (the little Satan) and America (the big Satan) and pledge to kill all the Jews and the United States of America. Second, American-born college students are products of un-American public education. This is not new to me. I remember well the American college students who volunteered to help with sugarcane harvests in communist Cuba.

American universities are rife with leftist—communist—college professors who have taken control of the major universities where they teach ignorance of history, ignorance of truth, and ignorance of the foundations of the United States of America.

According to the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, volume 80, issue 1, page 54, published January, 2021: Is Higher Education Making Students Dumb and Dumber?

Before the advent of the Internet, ignorance was not unusual. In the age of information, ignorance is inexcusable.

Public education has turned from education (the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life) to indoctrination (to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view; brainwash, propagandize).


The anti-Vietnam War protests succeeded in demoralizing the American public, the news media, and the young people of college age. We were winning after President Richard Nixon gave the Pentagon the go-ahead to bomb Hanoi and Haiphong, actions that brought the communists to their knees. But for the loss of popular support, Vietnam remains a communist nation to this day.

Anti-Israel/pro-Hamas propaganda is working to cause Joe Biden to betray Congress, thereby the American people, and our only reliable Middle East ally, Israel.

Joe Biden has been betraying us since the time of the Vietnam War through the Afghanistan unwarranted pullout that leaves the Russians using our huge air base to our present-day ally, Israel, under attack by Islamist terrorists that want to kill all the Jews and us Americans.

Democrat and Republican lawmakers authorized financial support for the IDF, but Joe is holding back in a bid to garner the votes of the unlearned, uneducated, indoctrinated college-age population.

William Koenig’s book Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel chronicles all the instances when U.S. presidents betrayed Israel and the following tantamount disasters.

Knowledge is power.

John White
Rockwall, Texas

Published by John White

A lifetime (over 50 years) of experiences with automation and control systems ranging from aerospace navigation, radar, and ordinance delivery systems to the world's first robotic drilling machine for the oil patch, to process-control systems, energy management systems and general problem-solving. At present, my focus is on self-funding HVAC retrofit projects and indoor air quality with a view to preventing infections from airborne pathogens.

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