Constitutional Minute—Episode 6, State Sovereignty

A sovereign state has its own institutions, populations, and the right to make treaties with other states. The 10th Amendment limits federal sovereignty and preserves state sovereignty. The Republican Form of Government aims for representation and accountability. Efforts to repeal the 17th Amendment and appoint U.S. Senators by state legislatures aim to restore state sovereignty.

Constitutional Minute — Legal & Historical Resources

Online Searchable Legal & Historical Resources

Constitutional Minute—Episode 5, When is an Act of Congress Unconstitutional?

The Supreme Court’s recent order allows emergency abortions in Idaho, temporarily blocking the state’s restrictive abortion ban. The Court’s decision to reverse the 1973 Roe v. Wade opinion is based on the fact that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. The authority to regulate abortion is returned to the states and their elected representatives, as per the 10th Amendment. The EMS USA Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act is considered unconstitutional for overstepping Congress’s enumerated powers and not aligning with the supreme Law of the Land.

Constitutional Minute—Episode 4, The Tenth Amendment

The 10 leading causes of death in the United States, according to Healthline, include heart disease, cancer, COVID-19, accidents, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, liver diseases, and kidney disease. The debate over federal authority in healthcare, specifically in the context of gun violence and the 10th Amendment, is an issue of constitutionality.

Constitutional Minute—Episode 3, The Limits of Government

The Code of Federal Regulations, 41,000+ pages a month ago, has seen a significant increase. This excessive regulation by federal agencies threatens civil and natural rights, contrary to the original intent of the 1778 Constitutional Convention. The U.S. and Texas constitutions stress the importance of local self-government and the inherent power of the people.

Constitutional Minute—Episode 2, History of the Republican Party

The first republican form of government is found in Exodus 18, with representative groups. The term “republic” originates from “rēs pūblica,” meaning “the people’s thing.” The Republican Party was founded on valuing human life and played a crucial role in ending slavery and promoting civil rights. A Gallup poll shows 32% of U.S. voters only support pro-life candidates.

Constitutional Minute—Episode 1, A Republic, If You Can Keep It

January 4, 2024, headline in The New Yorker: Joe Biden Makes Saving Democracy the Center of His Campaign Article IV, Section 4 stipulates, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” Knowledgeable Americans describe a democracy as “mob rule.” While the founding documents do not mention ‘democracy,’ …


A KERA news article worth repeating: “Rockwall Republican who voted to impeach Texas AG Ken Paxton faces opposition from own party“ Relevant: applicable, germane, apposite, appropriate, suitable, fitting. Our Representative Republican form of government was created by We, the People. Our government was not the creation of a dictator or a monarch. Its creation was …


The author reflects on his failed attempts to repeal the 17th Amendment at his county Republican convention. He argues against democracy, advocating for a republican form of government. Citing historical and legal perspectives, he emphasizes the importance of state sovereignty. Despite his personal setbacks, he highlights ongoing support for his cause within the Republican Party.

All Candidates for State Office in Texas Stand on One of Three Platforms

The Dallas Express reported on the Rockwall County GOP’s concern about Representative Justin Holland’s unresponsiveness to voters and the Republican Party. They highlighted the distinction between democracy and a republic, and the role of political parties in representing voters. The article raised issues of representation and accountability, with a focus on the Republican Party’s platform. This has sparked a local debate over the representation of partisan interests. Meanwhile, a potential successor, Dennis London, has garnered support for his alignment with the party platform and proven representation of the community’s interests.